Movisor gathers the most watched and liked movie and TV series suggestions for user that “cant decide what to watch ” and , creating an always updated huge catalog of ideas and helping user to make decisions quickly.
Users can discover the most popular movies and series suggested by people from all over the world.
Also they can suggest the movies and series and share them with people
- Watch the trailers.
- Read summary of movie or TV shows
- IMDB score
- Movie duration
- Release year and origin country
- Season count of series
- And more then details
The Movisor App is an detailed project that in MVVM structure also use API (TMDB), RETROFIT,JSON Parsing and FIREBASE. It is a powerful and clearly coded to understand API. If you never work with API’s before or new start to code, it will be really helpful to learn that.
- Firebase Database and Storage using
- Firebase Query
- API and Get, Post request
- Retrofit
- JSON Parsing
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