Dealfly – E-Commerce & Multi-Vendors Marketplace,Offers, Subscription System – Ios & Android


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Available Features

Full e-commerce features Order one or more items , choose item variants , add to cart , and pay using different type of paymet gateway

Multi Currencies, Multi Languages, RTL easy to add/edit/delete a currency or language, switch or set default.

Multi Payments COD, Paypal, Razorpay, webview payment: your local payments, checkout, and shipping are available, more detail.

Powerful campaigns system Create custom campaigns for your shops , deals , products . Example : daily deals , shops nearby , recently added products …

Discount , Countdown deals Promotion offers , create dicount for one or more product on the list , expired deals ( date start , date end )

Diverse Products product Variant, difference type of Layout (Colors, Dropdown, Box), Product Images options , .

Google Analytics easy to track the user online and number of registration via Firebase as the realtime.

Booking feature Create services , add option for booking , use custom field to retireve data from customer such as : booking date , booking time , number of participant and on …

Vendor Admin panel Vendor can manage his content directly from the dashboard : shops , offers , products , campaigns …

Sponsored Ads target shopping queries or products, and can occupy high-visibility placements on app.

Real-time Chat easy to chat with vendor/admin, Firebase Realtime Chat

Powerful User Setting Bookmark and notification agreement , Order Tracking, Rate App on app stores, Smart Chat setting, switching languages, enable push notification , change mobile template , Currencies …


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